Women of Influence 2023: Lisa Lambert of National Grid Partners

Lisa Lambert was the first in her family to go to college and is still charting her own path as one of the only black women in venture capital. She’s on a mission to change that, providing opportunities to close the gender and racial gap, especially at the executive levels

What is the biggest challenge facing women who want to take on leadership roles — and what do you think you can do to change that? When women are promoted to leadership roles, it’s amazing how much opposition we start to experience. Whether it’s because of envy, because they don’t think you’re smart enough, or because they think you only got the position because you’re a woman or minority, it becomes a much more competitive and aggressive environment. That’s why I started Upward  — to support and encourage women in leadership through mentorship and guidance.

Something about you that would surprise others: I played basketball for Penn State from 1985 to 1989 and was team captain the last two years.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received? “Specialize in your career – do something that inspires you and that you are exceptional at. Spend time going deep in an area and becoming an expert, because you can always go broad later.”

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