Shawn Ramsey

Shawn Ramsey, UPWARD RTP Chapter Leader

Shawn Ramsey is a Founder, Consultant, Coach, and UPWARD RTP Chapter Leader Learn more about Shawn by reading her full feature below.

Describe your career, your platform, or what makes you you?

I think it is fair to say that I continue to evolve and grow, both personally and professionally. And, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I am a lifelong learner. I love taking new classes, learning new skills, gaining new insights and trying new experiences. I believe that makes my life richer and allows me to provide even more value to my consulting and coaching clients. I also strive to bring authenticity and integrity into everything I do, and support my clients in doing the same. My goal is to help shift the way my clients see themselves, to help them find their unique voice and to engage more authentically with others.

Do you have any habits or disciplines that you’ve developed that helps keep you motivated?

Nature is my fuel. I try to carve out at least a little time each day to get outside, breath the fresh air and touch the trees or grass. The really helps me hit the reset button, and come back to my current task feeling more refreshed and motivated.

What are you most proud of in your personal life and in your career?

I have been self-employed since 2003. While it hasn’t always been easy, I am proud that I continue to choose the path that is right for me – that allows me to find more balance in my life and focus on the things that are important to me. I am also proud of the work I have done throughout my career to support and create opportunities for other women, especially young women starting their careers and other women entrepreneurs.

We know from data that no one advances completely on their own. Relationships are often the difference between getting noticed and promoted and getting stuck. How do you identify key individuals with whom you need to build strategic relationships? Has UPWARD been a platform to helping you build these necessary relationships?

I believe the universe has a way of bringing people into your life that you are meant to connect with. It happens all the time, and sometimes when you least expect it. When it comes to networking, I believe it is way more effective and authentic to really engage with someone and focus on building a relationship with that person vs. trying to sell something or use them to connect to someone else. UPWARD has created an opportunity for me to collaborate with other amazing RTP chapter leaders, and I am so excited about connecting with other amazing women as we build the chapter here in RTP.

As an UPWARD Member what experiences have been most beneficial for you?

I would have to say that connecting and collaborating with my other RTP chapter leaders has been the most beneficial experience so far.

What advice (2-3 things) would you share with others who have similar goals or is on a similar path as you?

Get to know yourself and find the path that works for you, not the path that others tell you should take. Trust your intuition. It is amazingly powerful tool, and we have been taught to dismiss it. Learn to recognize when your intuition is trying to tell you something and starting trusting it, even when others tell you that it doesn’t make sense.

Do you have a favorite inspirational/motivational quote that you’d like to share? 

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou. This goes back to some of the earlier points I made about living your life with authenticity and integrity. You can’t really connect with someone if you don’t bring those two things into the equation.

When you’re not in “work mode”, attending calls/meetings, what would we find you doing?

Playing with my two dogs. Volunteering to rescue/rehab raptors/birds of prey. Hiking. Photographing nature.

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