Describe your career, your platform, or what makes you you?
During her nearly 30-year career in advertising, Marissa Nance has invested into a personal quest seeking representation in the industry’s workforce AND in its work. She creates pathways for BIPOC communities to be heard and have a seat at the table. In 2019, she left Omnicom, where she ultimately become one of their first Black/Female, Managing Directors, to launch the first and only minority and female-certified media agency, Native Tongue Communications (NTC). Built on the shoulders of her decades of success, NTC is THE place where Marissa can now advocate for clients like Intel, Eli Lilly, McDonald’s, and Clorox. She serves as protector, advisor, and champion for countless women and people of color, all within the media/marketing industry. She is an industry leader and a voice of the future
Do you have any habits or disciplines that you’ve developed that helps keep you motivated?
– Believe in yourself when no one else will
– Pause. Breath. Focus
What are you most proud of in your personal life and in your career?
Consistency and commitment.
As an UPWARD Member what experiences have been most beneficial for you?
The cadence of communication, notes, ideas, tips, and feeling of community.
Do you have a favorite inspirational/motivational quote that you’d like to share?
– Believe in yourself when no one else will
– Pause. Breath. Focus
When you’re not in “work mode”, attending calls/meetings, what would we find you doing?
Home just “being” with my “Fur Child” and my Husband….and sneaking in some “work mode”.
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