Marcey Rader

Marcey Rader, UPWARD RTP Chapter Leader

Marcey Rader is the Founder and President of nd is an UPWARD RTP Chapter Leader which is set to launch this year — April 27, 2022.

We invite you to learn even more about Marcey by reading below and connect with her right here in our My UPWARD Online Community!

Describe your career, your platform, or what makes you you?

I own a health-powered productivity company that specializes in helping executives banish burnout, keep good people, and keep moving forward through practical, tailored tools, healthy, sustainable habits, and coaching accountability. I speak, coach, have written three books, and host a podcast about all things productivity and health. I used to travel up to 48 weeks a year and was an ultra-endurance racer. I triggered three autoimmune diseases and early menopause at 36, living a high-stress lifestyle. My mission is to guide others from doing the same. You CAN climb the ladder or build a business without sacrificing productivity, health, and relationships.

Do you have any habits or disciplines that you’ve developed that helps keep you motivated?

My top three habits to keep me motivated:
1. Exercise daily – non-negotiable!
2. Keep guardrails around my time by not taking an early morning or late meeting.
3. Working my priorities instead of the small stuff. I focus on rocks instead of sand.

What are you most proud of in your personal life and in your career?

I’m most proud that I created a business eight years ago that is successful and a model for other training and coaching companies. I had no business experience and recognized the coaching and support I needed to succeed.

Personally, I am proud that we became debt-free when I was 46. Owning our house and cars and not having debt opens up a lot of freedom and removes fear and apprehension.

We know from data that no one advances completely on their own. Relationships are often the difference between getting noticed and promoted and getting stuck. How do you identify key individuals with whom you need to build strategic relationships? Has UPWARD been a platform to helping you build these necessary relationships?

First, I look for the believers in our message and philosophy. Second, I recognize that a leader isn’t always the best influencer. It could be their executive assistant or someone that reports directly to them. They may not be the final decision-maker, but their input is critical.

As an UPWARD Member, what experience(s) have been most beneficial for you?

I’m new to UPWARD and am excited to find out!

What advice have you received that has helped drive you to where you are today? If you’re comfortable, please share where this advice came from.

Barbara Hemphill told me to specialize because ‘no one ever remembers a generalist.’ She also declares that ‘together we’re better.’ I have lived by that philosophy, and when I couldn’t keep up with the business coming in, I hired another productivity business owner to coach for my company. I didn’t see her as a competition or that she may see my trade secrets. Instead, I saw her as an asset. There is room for us all, and together we’re better!

What advice (2-3 things) would you share with others who have similar goals or is on a similar path as you?

Invest in coaching! I never considered a coach to help me in my professional development or career in the corporate world. It wasn’t until I became a business owner that I chose to invest in myself. I see that quite often with my corporate clients. They won’t spend $400 a month on a coach when they make $150k a year, but a business owner grossing $60k will drop $5000 because they know they will get ROI.

Seek advice from others in your field. I’ve had informational interviews with other owners of training companies to discuss pricing, contractors, and business models.

Don’t feel like you have to do all the things that everyone else is doing. I don’t have any social media accounts except for LinkedIn, and I don’t do a lot of email marketing. I lean into that and use it to my advantage, so I’m not just a lot of noise to people. When someone tells you that you have to do something to be successful, remember that they speak based on their experience and are not in your shoes.

Do you have a favorite inspirational/motivational quote that you’d like to share? 

Talk Doesn’t Cook Rice.

It’s a Chinese Proverb and is the philosophy of my life. I’m a doer, not a dreamer, and like to be around people who get shit done. You can talk about cooking rice all day long, but it isn’t going to feed you!

When you’re not in “work mode”, attending calls/meetings, what would we find you doing?

Mountain biking, exercising, doing crossword puzzles, relaxing in my infrared sauna, or beating my husband in Skip-Bo.

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